A Rude Awakening

Wow. Two hundred eighty pounds, 2-8-0. I couldn’t believe the scale today, my first day of making the decision once again that I have to lose weight. At 48, I’m no stranger to diets, workouts, gym memberships, and fad weight loss schemes but something about this feels different. I also am no stranger to the disappointment of failing to hit my target.

I’m not a lazy person. I’m not a person that can’t achieve goals. In fact, I have been very successful in most aspects of my life but for some reason weight loss has been the elusive prize I have not achieved. In fact, every weight loss scheme and fad diet only seems to add more pounds.

So today I got on the scale at a Weight Watchers meeting and gulped when I saw that number. I have done Weight Watchers on line but never gone to a meeting. However, I will say that out of all the things I have done in my past 48 years, Weight Watchers (even the online version) was probably the one where I had the most success.

The meeting was interesting…I arrived late of course. Overall, it seemed a bit like a pep rally. Everyone talked about how they had done the week before on the plan and what foods they tried and how many points they were. I’m not sure what I was expecting but I suppose something along the lines of…

“Hi, my name is Gigi and I’m a carb addict. I ate my last carb 2 hours ago.”

And that would’ve been the truth at that moment.

So here it goes…another weight loss journey…but hopefully I will achieve some weight loss this go around that is sustainable. I will use this blog to update others and encourage those that are on a similar journey. It doesn’t have to be weight loss, it could be any goal you are trying to achieve.