12 Pounds and the Cotton Candy Burrito

Just a quick lifestyle update….notice I did not use the “D” word.

It has been 3 weeks since my shock and dismay that I discussed in my first blog “Rude Awakening.”

It hasn’t really been such a challenge as I expected.  I have had moments where I really realize what a SUGAR addict I am.  For example, I was at a meeting where we had an ice breaker where we had to share something about ourselves that no one knew.  One of the ladies in this meeting said, “I have a serious cotton candy addiction.  I have paid money to go to a carnival or fair, JUST SO I COULD BUY COTTON CANDY.  In fact, I may or may not possess a commercial size cotton candy maker in my home,” with a sly smile.  This woman is obviously my sister from another mother, my soul mate in carboholicism (yes that is a made up word), and my sweet friend.

Then, someone else in the group said, “have you heard of the place in Las Vegas that makes the ice cream burrito with candy and the tortilla is cotton candy?”  Insert big cartoon eyes here!


I had been so good all week….but thoughts of cotton candy ice cream burritos haunted my thoughts for the next couple of days, would cause spontaneous drooling, and a serious jonesing for all things sugary.  What would the old me do?  Why, she would drive across town to Creamberry and have an ice cream cotton candy burrito.

All it took though to make it go away….a mini Cotton Candy blizzard from Dairy Queen (cotton candy is a summer flavor apparently).

Roughly 14-17 Weight Watchers points.  Is that half a day of points?  YES.

Is my addiction quelled?  Yes.

Do I feel guilty?  Absolutely not.

My advice:  don’t give up your guilty pleasures entirely.  Find ways where you can satisfy your strange cravings and then move on.  Eat the dang ice cream cotton candy burrito if you have to.  Just find a way to burn those empty but mentally satisfying calories off.

I’m down 12 pounds in 3 weeks and the only thing I feel like I have given up is the pounds.


4 Replies to “12 Pounds and the Cotton Candy Burrito”

    1. Thanks Janice! This is completely new for me so I really appreciate your support and feedback!

  1. Great post. The struggle is real and sharing helps us all be a little stronger. Thanks.

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