Three Sisters Redux

Wow!  I haven’t blogged in such a long time but I finally feel like my brain has been revitalized!  I’m ready to start blogging again…and I have a lot of catching up to do!

So I wanted to start with a small celebration.  Instead of fighting the crowds of Black Friday, my husband and I opted to make a run again at the River Mountain Loop trail.  You might remember that the first time we tried this it was summer in Las Vegas.  We made a not so wise move to try this trail in the middle of the day when the heat peaked out at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe even hotter in the direct sunlight!  I may have slightly over exaggerated a bit in Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents but it was a pretty rough day.

After a pretty quiet Thanksgiving without all of the turkey and dressing, we were delighted to get on our bikes and head towards Boulder City.  Initially we were only going to ride to the Railroad Casino but it was such a nice day that we decided to finish the whole loop…or at least try.  

Our Three Sisters RMLT Redux was a success!  It was a 37 mile trip with a 2800 foot climb included…that’s definitely the Three Sisters part.  While we didn’t suffer from heat exhaustion or hallucinations of our dead relatives, we were really tired when we finally made it home.  But what a great ride.

This is one of the many reasons we love Las Vegas.  It’s not often that you can enjoy the sunshine and a nice day after Thanksgiving.  While others were struggling with the cold front and holiday travel we were so lucky to make that trip and accomplish that goal.  It also takes away any guilt from the previous day indulgences!

Hard Gore

So I got a little ahead of myself on my exercise routine.  I’m totally loving riding our bikes and I just wanted to take it to the next level.  So my husband and I outfitted my bike with clip in pedals and shoes.  My husband is pretty handy and he assembled them on the loosest setting so they are easy to clip in and out of.

I thought this will make my pedal more efficient, increase my speed, and make the hills even easier to conquer.  What I didn’t anticipate was my overall clumsy tendencies and my inability to properly mount and dismount the bike!

So of course, I assume this is the natural course for someone new to clip in pedals so the first four times I fell because I didn’t get unclipped quick enough, I just chalked up to the learning curve.  I was then able to ride 3 times without injury, so now I’m feeling pretty cocky.

Then comes Tuesday morning.  I’m confident now on the bike with the clips.  We ride our 14 mile ride and come home.  I’m zooming up the driveway, unclip the right side and somehow the left doesn’t unclip that fast.  BOOM!  I fall over and the handlebar gores me to the left chest.  Thankfully, it didn’t break the skin or a bone but the resulting injury was impressive.  I have a hematoma the size of a grapefruit and the color of an eggplant.

You know the lesson here is that you don’t have to get all technical….just get out and move.  You don’t have to become Lance Armstrong, you’re not competing in the Olympics, and you need to respect what you are good and not good at in life.  I don’t need clips to ride my bike and guess what….I won’t be riding with clips anymore!

Upside Down Pineapple cupcakes

Sometimes, you just want something sweet.  Luckily, there are so many options today with sugar free, low calorie, and low carb options.

I decided to do a healthier redux of my favorite dessert:  Pineapple Upside Down cake!  The upshot is each cupcake is only 2 Weight Watchers Smart points!  Say What?!

So here’s how to pull this off:

Kim’s WW Pineapple Upside Down cupcakes (Makes 18)


  • Pillsbury sugar free yellow cake mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
  • 1 20 oz. can of crushed pineapple in juice (no added sugar)
  • 9 T. Splenda brown sugar mix

Preheat oven to 325.  Spray the bottom of each cupcake pan with butter spray.  Add 1/2 tablespoon Splenda brown sugar mix to each cup.  Spread out over bottom evenly.  Divide pineapple (about 1 T. each cup).  Fill with cake batter to about 2/3rd full.

Cook at 325 until done.  (Toothpick test probably won’t work.  I usually push and see if it is bouncy.)

Sit for 1 minute then flip onto flat surface.

Enjoy!!   These babies are only 2 Smart points each.

Surviving Single Parenthood

My kids are all grown now, 30, 28, and 22 year olds.  I’m very proud that they are all finding success and love in their life, pursuing their careers and their dreams, and no one went to jail or had issues with addiction.  I consider myself lucky.

I was a single mom for 12 years and those were really hard years.  When I say Surviving Single Parenthood, it’s not only the survival of the parent but also the survival of the child.  Unfortunately, the statistics out there don’t favor a lot of success on either end.

According to in 2016, a majority of children still lived with two parents in the household (69%) with the next largest segment living with a single mom at 23%.  This number more than tripled from 1960 when that percentage was 8%.

Children of single parent households frequently grow up with a disadvantage of not having the same financial means of children from two parent households.  They are also more likely to experience poverty, lower high school graduation rates, and higher levels of unemployment than their two parent peers.

I have no idea how we survived each other looking back.  It was just so damn hard.  But I’m so thankful that we did.  I love them so much.

I think what made all the difference was my perseverance around getting an education.  I went to school for a year to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse. After working for a while in that role, I went to school to get my Bachelor’s degree in nursing.  I had help with Pell grants, student loans, WIC, food stamps, and the occasional and rare child support check.  But even with all of those resources, it was hard.  Many times, I dug change out of the couch, or found a dollar bill in a jacket, hawked some item just so I could pay a bill or buy bread and peanut butter.  I worked while I went to school for my bachelor’s degree and I would cart my kids around in our mini-van while I made home health visits before and after school.  I would leave the kids in the van with the windows open to color, play games, argue, or whatever.  I just didn’t have any other choice.

One semester, I didn’t get my student loan in time and there was no way I was going to be able to make the rent for the next two months.  I broke down and called my mom and said to her that I needed to send my two children to her (my youngest wasn’t born yet).  I told her that was my only choice as I would have to go stay in a dorm, couch surf, or live in a dumpster to finish that semester.  It wouldn’t be forever just to finish the semester.

My mom wanted me to move back to Texas at that time but that would’ve meant me giving up school and taking a chance of losing many of my credits.  I just couldn’t bear to do that.  I had worked so hard already to get there.  I didn’t want to be without my kids for two months either but I felt it was a sacrifice I would have to make to get through.

But I want you to hear what I was willing to do.  I was willing to live in the alley with my children at my mom’s house until I could finish that semester.  I really think this is the reason that we survived….I had a pathological determination to finish what I had started.

My mom was able to reach out to my dad (they were divorced) and convince him to assist her in helping me out with $500.  That’s all I needed to make it to the next semester and my next student loan disbursement.  I’m eternally grateful to my parents for that bail out.  I would’ve done whatever it had taken to get through that semester though.

As a result, I finished college 2 years later and became a registered nurse.  I was the first person in my family on both sides to obtain a college degree.

That education changed my life, improved my trajectory, and enabled me and my children to overcome the many obstacles and downsides of being raised in a single parent household because I was also raised in a single parent home.  It was still hard raising those kids.  Later I remarried, had my last child and several years later found myself alone again but with three.  If I hadn’t finished that degree, I’m not sure I would’ve survived that second go around at single parenthood.

Never underestimate the power of tenacity.  You know the great Winston Churchill once said, “when you’re going through hell, just keep going” and “never, ever, ever give up.”  He was a smart man.




Living La Reve

Living in Las Vegas is a little like living in a dream world.  The lights, the shows, the smoke and mirrors of magic shows, or the people watching of the most extraordinary kind.  While we don’t always go to the Strip, we don’t mind going down to watch an occasional show when friends or family come to town. Continue reading “Living La Reve”

Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents

So about 2 weeks ago, my husband and I got cocky and decided to attempt the River Mountain Loop Trail (RMLT) in Las Vegas.  This trail is said to be around 34 miles and makes a loop by Lake Mead, up to Boulder City, and then back down into Henderson which is where the Three Sisters are.  The three sisters, also known as the three bitches are some pretty gargantuan hills to tackle on your bike. Continue reading “Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents”

Married by the King

We all know the one thing that Vegas is famous for….a quick marriage.  In fact, Las Vegas is considered the Marriage Capital of the World.  There are a lot of famous marriages that were made in Vegas….Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra, Frank Sinatra and Mia Farrow, and Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie just to name a few.  Don’t forget Brittany Spears and her 55 hour long marriage that started at the Little White Wedding Chapel of Las Vegas. Continue reading “Married by the King”

Tiki’s Seaside Grill Mojito (from Brasilito, Costa Rica)

  • 1.5 oz simple syrup
  • 1.5 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1.5 oz rum (they use Bacardi Carta Oro from Cuba)
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Sugar cane stick for garnish

Muddle handful of mint and 3 ice cubes and 1.5 oz sugar water.  Add lime and rum, and shake.  Top off with a splash of soda and garnish with sugar cane.


Pura Vida

My all time favorite place to visit and visit regularly is Costa Rica.  I fell in love with Costa Rica when I read the “Happier than a Billionaire” series, by Nadine Pisani.  Nadine was able to tell the story of her and her husband’s adventure when they finally had enough of the rat race of the United States.  There was no sugar coating of the Costa Rican life.   They openly shared their trials and tribulations along with the joys of the “pure life”.  Suicide showers, Costa Rican land mines, and water crossings opened my eyes to life in the tropics.  That lead me to more and more research and an all out obsession with retiring and moving to Costa Rica.  We hadn’t even traveled there and I was telling my husband, friends, and family that we were going to retire early, sell everything, and move there.  My husband thought I had completely lost my mind.  Continue reading “Pura Vida”