Viva Las Vegas

April 2017, my husband and I embarked on a new adventure.  I took a transfer with my full time job to Las Vegas, Nevada.  I had been to Las Vegas on several occasions for work and even for pleasure but never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever live here.

I think Las Vegas gets a bad rap and some people think that there is no way they would live in “Sin City” but it really is quite a cool place to live…well when I say cool, I’m not talking about the weather.

When you live here, you actually get to enjoy all that Las Vegas has to offer: mild weather in the off summer months, multiple outdoor activities, excellent restaurants, entertainment, sports, and multiple festivals, concerts, etc.  The people of Las Vegas are really very tight knit and it is a very giving community.  If you don’t believe that, just look at how they responded during the 1 October event.

Now that we live here, we still go to the Strip.  The one thing about living in Las Vegas, is that your friends and family suddenly seem inspired to visit you more often.  This is excellent for us because we love having guests and entertaining.  However, if you are a hermit and don’t like house guests, be warned, don’t let anyone know you live here!   Our visitors give us an opportunity to go new places and try new things so I always look forward to when the next guest arrives.  (Maybe I should have bought a Bed and Breakfast instead of building a house.  Sorry, squirrel.)



Hit the road Jack

My husband is an avid biker…or at least he would like to be an avid biker. He, like me, has let the pounds creep up on him. Anyway, he has a road bike and a mountain bike that are taking up space in the garage. We live in the hills on the outskirts of Las Vegas and the thought of either of us getting on a bike in these hills elicits fear of exploding cardiac tissue and overall mayhem.

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Diet is a FOUR letter word

So I didn’t get here overnight. In fact, I have to remember that all of the times that I have been on a diet it was because I had reached some new and terrible weight. Now mind you, if I was to go back to the weight I was on my first diet or even my tenth, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. In fact, I was probably 132 pounds the first time I ever went on a diet. Geez….if I had only known.

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