Three Sisters Redux

Wow!  I haven’t blogged in such a long time but I finally feel like my brain has been revitalized!  I’m ready to start blogging again…and I have a lot of catching up to do!

So I wanted to start with a small celebration.  Instead of fighting the crowds of Black Friday, my husband and I opted to make a run again at the River Mountain Loop trail.  You might remember that the first time we tried this it was summer in Las Vegas.  We made a not so wise move to try this trail in the middle of the day when the heat peaked out at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe even hotter in the direct sunlight!  I may have slightly over exaggerated a bit in Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents but it was a pretty rough day.

After a pretty quiet Thanksgiving without all of the turkey and dressing, we were delighted to get on our bikes and head towards Boulder City.  Initially we were only going to ride to the Railroad Casino but it was such a nice day that we decided to finish the whole loop…or at least try.  

Our Three Sisters RMLT Redux was a success!  It was a 37 mile trip with a 2800 foot climb included…that’s definitely the Three Sisters part.  While we didn’t suffer from heat exhaustion or hallucinations of our dead relatives, we were really tired when we finally made it home.  But what a great ride.

This is one of the many reasons we love Las Vegas.  It’s not often that you can enjoy the sunshine and a nice day after Thanksgiving.  While others were struggling with the cold front and holiday travel we were so lucky to make that trip and accomplish that goal.  It also takes away any guilt from the previous day indulgences!

Hit the road Jack

My husband is an avid biker…or at least he would like to be an avid biker. He, like me, has let the pounds creep up on him. Anyway, he has a road bike and a mountain bike that are taking up space in the garage. We live in the hills on the outskirts of Las Vegas and the thought of either of us getting on a bike in these hills elicits fear of exploding cardiac tissue and overall mayhem.

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Diet is a FOUR letter word

So I didn’t get here overnight. In fact, I have to remember that all of the times that I have been on a diet it was because I had reached some new and terrible weight. Now mind you, if I was to go back to the weight I was on my first diet or even my tenth, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. In fact, I was probably 132 pounds the first time I ever went on a diet. Geez….if I had only known.

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A Rude Awakening

Wow. Two hundred eighty pounds, 2-8-0. I couldn’t believe the scale today, my first day of making the decision once again that I have to lose weight. At 48, I’m no stranger to diets, workouts, gym memberships, and fad weight loss schemes but something about this feels different. I also am no stranger to the disappointment of failing to hit my target.

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