Diet is a FOUR letter word

So I didn’t get here overnight. In fact, I have to remember that all of the times that I have been on a diet it was because I had reached some new and terrible weight. Now mind you, if I was to go back to the weight I was on my first diet or even my tenth, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. In fact, I was probably 132 pounds the first time I ever went on a diet. Geez….if I had only known.

See, I believe that getting on that rollercoaster the first time was my biggest mistake. Imagine then, if I had only made a few better choices and moved a little more then I would’ve never caused my body to starve and then store in the first place. I’m not short either. Five foot, nine inches and a buck thirty-two was likely too skinny to start with.
I jumped on that rollercoaster though and there is no easy way out. I just have to work on getting it off slowly and steadily. In fact, I have told myself that I didn’t gain this weight overnight and I’m not going to lose it overnight.

Now you may say….do a Keto diet, Paleo, Atkins, Sugarbusters, South Beach, or Dukan Diet. Who even knows what the latest diet of the year is?! You know that works for the short term for me but is not realistic or easy for me to do in my lifestyle on a go forward basis. In fact, I think the key for me is that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet at all. Diet is such a four letter word. It really makes you think of all the wonderful things you are giving up. This is why Weight Watchers is the lifestyle plan for me. I think that’s why so many of us fail. Diet is a short term punishment NOT a lifestyle change. I don’t have to give anything up here. If I choose to eat a cheeseburger from Sonic then I know the consequences of that decision and that I will likely have to modify at least the rest of the day if not a couple of days to stay in line. But hey…I’m not giving anything up. Here I picture my face with war paint on holding my sword and yelling “FREEDOM!” Wait….he died in that movie.

Anyway, here’s the goal that I know that I can achieve: move my body three times a week at a minimum and stay on plan as much as possible. You have to forgive yourself on the little missteps in life. This I know from many other life experiences that we will discuss on here one day in the future.