Steak, Steak, Steak!!

I’m from Texas originally and I love all things beef.  Recently, the mister and I were at a restaurant and the waiter told us that he had lost a lot of weight because he became a vegan.  I’m pretty sure the State of Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics would revoke my birth certificate if I became a vegan.  I really have no interest in being vegan….I’m sure its a wonderfully healthy and miserable life. (Please don’t be offended vegans…but meat is in my blood.)

My husband (6’5″ and a big guy himself) went to a doctor in our former residence in California when his very nice and quite intellectual petite female physician told him on more than one occasion, “you need to be a vegan.”  He’s a pretty easy to get along with kind of guy so he shrugged that off over the course of several physician visits.  However, one particular day after receiving a jury summons and encountering some teeth gnashing drug induced zombie in traffic, he arrived at the doctor’s office with an elevated blood pressure.  Again, the good doctor said to my husband, “you need to be a vegan,” which sparked the following tirade from my husband:

“You want me to be a vegan?!  You want ME to be a vegan?! You want me to be a VEGAN?!  Let me tell you what I would do if I was a vegan…I would be driving down the road and when I passed a pasture full of cows, I would slam on my brakes, I would jump out of my truck.  Then, I would jump the fence, run down the slowest cow, throw it to the ground, and EAT IT!!!”

The good doctor quickly relented and wrote a prescription for blood pressure medication.  I bet she will be cautious when bringing up dietary recommendations to the next big guy in her office.

So with the vegan option completely off the table, we do eat meat, and plenty of it.

This goes back to my thought that in our lifestyle change it will not just require dietary changes but also exercise.  I told you about how we purchased E-Bikes and have been riding around in the desert in Hit The Road Jack and Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents and let me tell you we love those bikes.  We have logged over 300 miles since we purchased those 7 weeks ago.

So no surprise, the other morning we are out on the trail from Lake Las Vegas heading to Henderson.  The trails around here are amazing and abundant by the way!  So this cool little trail goes under the road through basically a short tunnel.  As I’m speeding through the tunnel I can hear my love yelling at me, “Steak, STEAK, STEAK!!!”  I’m thinking okay dude, I get the message!  You wanna steak.  So as usual, I’m yelling back at him in the wind, “WHAT?!”  “What about steak?” as I slow down for him to catch up with me.  He pulls alongside of me and says, “there was a snake back there woman, did you even see it?!”

So maybe my thought process was a little out of context.  Have I mentioned I love steak?  Well needless to say, since that event, anything on the trail is a snake until proven otherwise.  Tumbleweed, it’s a snake until I see it up close. Coyote scat, it’s a snake coiled up and ready to strike, until it declares itself officially.  Sticks?  They are snakes stretched out in the sun until I see that it doesn’t have a head or a rattle.  So don’t worry, when we are out riding, I will no longer think that my husband is calling out his dinner of choice!

My new favorite quote:  “Becoming a Vegetarian is a Huge Missed Steak”.  Now that’s funny right there!