Steak, Steak, Steak!!

I’m from Texas originally and I love all things beef.  Recently, the mister and I were at a restaurant and the waiter told us that he had lost a lot of weight because he became a vegan.  I’m pretty sure the State of Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics would revoke my birth certificate if I became a vegan.  I really have no interest in being vegan….I’m sure its a wonderfully healthy and miserable life. (Please don’t be offended vegans…but meat is in my blood.)

My husband (6’5″ and a big guy himself) went to a doctor in our former residence in California when his very nice and quite intellectual petite female physician told him on more than one occasion, “you need to be a vegan.”  He’s a pretty easy to get along with kind of guy so he shrugged that off over the course of several physician visits.  However, one particular day after receiving a jury summons and encountering some teeth gnashing drug induced zombie in traffic, he arrived at the doctor’s office with an elevated blood pressure.  Again, the good doctor said to my husband, “you need to be a vegan,” which sparked the following tirade from my husband:

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Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents

So about 2 weeks ago, my husband and I got cocky and decided to attempt the River Mountain Loop Trail (RMLT) in Las Vegas.  This trail is said to be around 34 miles and makes a loop by Lake Mead, up to Boulder City, and then back down into Henderson which is where the Three Sisters are.  The three sisters, also known as the three bitches are some pretty gargantuan hills to tackle on your bike. Continue reading “Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents”

Hit the road Jack

My husband is an avid biker…or at least he would like to be an avid biker. He, like me, has let the pounds creep up on him. Anyway, he has a road bike and a mountain bike that are taking up space in the garage. We live in the hills on the outskirts of Las Vegas and the thought of either of us getting on a bike in these hills elicits fear of exploding cardiac tissue and overall mayhem.

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