Steak, Steak, Steak!!

I’m from Texas originally and I love all things beef.  Recently, the mister and I were at a restaurant and the waiter told us that he had lost a lot of weight because he became a vegan.  I’m pretty sure the State of Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics would revoke my birth certificate if I became a vegan.  I really have no interest in being vegan….I’m sure its a wonderfully healthy and miserable life. (Please don’t be offended vegans…but meat is in my blood.)

My husband (6’5″ and a big guy himself) went to a doctor in our former residence in California when his very nice and quite intellectual petite female physician told him on more than one occasion, “you need to be a vegan.”  He’s a pretty easy to get along with kind of guy so he shrugged that off over the course of several physician visits.  However, one particular day after receiving a jury summons and encountering some teeth gnashing drug induced zombie in traffic, he arrived at the doctor’s office with an elevated blood pressure.  Again, the good doctor said to my husband, “you need to be a vegan,” which sparked the following tirade from my husband:

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Bella Vita’s Burrata Salad

We love to eat out.  What can I say?  I work long hours every day, 5 days a week and sometimes you just can’t talk yourself into cooking.

One of our favorite restaurants in Henderson is Bella Vita in the District.  The ambience is really nice and we love to sit outside when the weather is nice and listen to the music.  They almost always have someone playing or singing.  Sitting beneath the olive trees and watching the shoppers pass by is an excellent way to spend the afternoon or evening on one of our mild spring, fall, or early summer days.

When I’m trying to eat somewhat healthy there, I always choose the Burrata salad which is made with arugula, beef steak tomatoes, the most luscious burrata mozzarella cheese and drizzled with Balsamic and a light citrus dressing.  I always ask them to add some grilled chicken breast as well to round out the meal.

I’m guessing this is about 10 points using the Weight Watchers Smart Point system.  This is one of the reasons I love Weight Watchers.  I can live a normal  life and eat well with a little planning and thought.  You may think that is a lot of points for a salad, but just wait until that wonderful Burrata cheese hits your palate.  You will be thanking me!