Three Sisters Redux

Wow!  I haven’t blogged in such a long time but I finally feel like my brain has been revitalized!  I’m ready to start blogging again…and I have a lot of catching up to do!

So I wanted to start with a small celebration.  Instead of fighting the crowds of Black Friday, my husband and I opted to make a run again at the River Mountain Loop trail.  You might remember that the first time we tried this it was summer in Las Vegas.  We made a not so wise move to try this trail in the middle of the day when the heat peaked out at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe even hotter in the direct sunlight!  I may have slightly over exaggerated a bit in Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents but it was a pretty rough day.

After a pretty quiet Thanksgiving without all of the turkey and dressing, we were delighted to get on our bikes and head towards Boulder City.  Initially we were only going to ride to the Railroad Casino but it was such a nice day that we decided to finish the whole loop…or at least try.  

Our Three Sisters RMLT Redux was a success!  It was a 37 mile trip with a 2800 foot climb included…that’s definitely the Three Sisters part.  While we didn’t suffer from heat exhaustion or hallucinations of our dead relatives, we were really tired when we finally made it home.  But what a great ride.

This is one of the many reasons we love Las Vegas.  It’s not often that you can enjoy the sunshine and a nice day after Thanksgiving.  While others were struggling with the cold front and holiday travel we were so lucky to make that trip and accomplish that goal.  It also takes away any guilt from the previous day indulgences!

Never Settle

I think I’ve told you that I’m from Houston….so needless to say I have been an Astros fan for my entire life.  I remember going to games when Jose Cruz was the star outfielder for the Astros.  They would announce his name and drag out the Cruz as long as they could….”Jose CRUZZZZZZZZZZZZ”!

Last year, when the Astros were in the playoffs, I was very excited.  We had been to the World Series only once in franchise history when we were completely shut out.  I remember sitting at one of our favorite restaurants (Luna Rosa) in Lake Las Vegas watching one of the games with the New York Yankees.  A New York fan and his wife were sitting behind us as I was rooting on the Astros.  He let me know that the Astros would not be winning this part of the playoffs because they “always choke”.  I told him to put his money where his mouth was and to agree to buy us dinner when the Astros beat the Yankees to move on in the playoffs.  He declined….smart decision on his part.

When the Astros beat the Yankees in game seven and took their first American League pennant to move towards the World Series, my husband and I were sitting in yet another restaurant in Lake Las Vegas.  We hadn’t moved into our house yet and were making frequent trips out there as we were getting close to the move int date.  As soon as the final inning was over, my phone rang.  My son was on the other end and was very excited….”Mom!  I just bought 2 tickets to Game 5 of the World Series with the Astros at home in Houston on October 29th”.  Without a second thought, the next words out of my mouth were, “I’ll be there.”

Well here’s the catch….that is the same weekend we are moving into our new house.  So my husband is looking at me a little cross eyed and slightly annoyed.  “You know we are moving that weekend!”  But here I am the eternal optimist…the one who always believes where there is a will there is way.  So it worked out!

The movers came the Friday before that fateful Sunday game and packed up our apartment.  They dropped off that load on Saturday and I furiously unpacked and organized everything I could knowing they would be back on Monday morning with the load from storage.  Sunday morning, I got on a plane to Houston, my son picked me up, and we had a nice lunch with my parents, my daughter, and granddaughters.  Next we checked into a hotel downtown.  Then we headed over to the game with Uber.  It was the most amazing game.  If you don’t believe me, look it up.  It was the highest scoring game in World Series history and the Astros won 13-12 in the 10th.  BEST NIGHT EVER.  The only thing that would’ve been better is if they had swept the LA Dodgers and that would’ve been the World Series winning game.

Of course, a ten inning game ends late and with that huge win we hung out down by the park after the game for quite awhile and enjoyed adult beverages with all of our fan friends.  We got to the hotel at 3 a.m. (what was the point?), slept until 4, and he took me to the airport.  I was home in Las Vegas by 7:30 a.m. and beat the movers with the second load by several hours.

I was a sleep deprived zombie that day but I will never regret that quick trip.  My husband finally got over being perturbed by it too.

This past week when we were in Houston for my aunt’s funeral, we did steal away for a little bit and go to a game with the kids.  It was so amazing to take a picture with the World Series trophy.  We had such a great time watching the Astros win yet another game.

Their motto this year is “Never Settle”.  That totally resonates with me.  See I’ve never settled in life.  I’ve been asked to and I have passed.  Thank goodness I never did.  My life has been very blessed because I have personally lived with that motto.  Don’t settle in life.  Don’t assume there is not a way to do something that you really want to do.  Always find a way….you’ll be happy that you did!

Living La Reve

Living in Las Vegas is a little like living in a dream world.  The lights, the shows, the smoke and mirrors of magic shows, or the people watching of the most extraordinary kind.  While we don’t always go to the Strip, we don’t mind going down to watch an occasional show when friends or family come to town. Continue reading “Living La Reve”

Married by the King

We all know the one thing that Vegas is famous for….a quick marriage.  In fact, Las Vegas is considered the Marriage Capital of the World.  There are a lot of famous marriages that were made in Vegas….Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra, Frank Sinatra and Mia Farrow, and Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie just to name a few.  Don’t forget Brittany Spears and her 55 hour long marriage that started at the Little White Wedding Chapel of Las Vegas. Continue reading “Married by the King”

Viva Las Vegas

April 2017, my husband and I embarked on a new adventure.  I took a transfer with my full time job to Las Vegas, Nevada.  I had been to Las Vegas on several occasions for work and even for pleasure but never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever live here.

I think Las Vegas gets a bad rap and some people think that there is no way they would live in “Sin City” but it really is quite a cool place to live…well when I say cool, I’m not talking about the weather.

When you live here, you actually get to enjoy all that Las Vegas has to offer: mild weather in the off summer months, multiple outdoor activities, excellent restaurants, entertainment, sports, and multiple festivals, concerts, etc.  The people of Las Vegas are really very tight knit and it is a very giving community.  If you don’t believe that, just look at how they responded during the 1 October event.

Now that we live here, we still go to the Strip.  The one thing about living in Las Vegas, is that your friends and family suddenly seem inspired to visit you more often.  This is excellent for us because we love having guests and entertaining.  However, if you are a hermit and don’t like house guests, be warned, don’t let anyone know you live here!   Our visitors give us an opportunity to go new places and try new things so I always look forward to when the next guest arrives.  (Maybe I should have bought a Bed and Breakfast instead of building a house.  Sorry, squirrel.)



Hit the road Jack

My husband is an avid biker…or at least he would like to be an avid biker. He, like me, has let the pounds creep up on him. Anyway, he has a road bike and a mountain bike that are taking up space in the garage. We live in the hills on the outskirts of Las Vegas and the thought of either of us getting on a bike in these hills elicits fear of exploding cardiac tissue and overall mayhem.

Continue reading “Hit the road Jack”