Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents

So about 2 weeks ago, my husband and I got cocky and decided to attempt the River Mountain Loop Trail (RMLT) in Las Vegas.  This trail is said to be around 34 miles and makes a loop by Lake Mead, up to Boulder City, and then back down into Henderson which is where the Three Sisters are.  The three sisters, also known as the three bitches are some pretty gargantuan hills to tackle on your bike. Continue reading “Three Sisters and Dead Grandparents”

Diet is a FOUR letter word

So I didn’t get here overnight. In fact, I have to remember that all of the times that I have been on a diet it was because I had reached some new and terrible weight. Now mind you, if I was to go back to the weight I was on my first diet or even my tenth, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. In fact, I was probably 132 pounds the first time I ever went on a diet. Geez….if I had only known.

Continue reading “Diet is a FOUR letter word”

A Rude Awakening

Wow. Two hundred eighty pounds, 2-8-0. I couldn’t believe the scale today, my first day of making the decision once again that I have to lose weight. At 48, I’m no stranger to diets, workouts, gym memberships, and fad weight loss schemes but something about this feels different. I also am no stranger to the disappointment of failing to hit my target.

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