Today, we aren’t going to wander too far. We are basically going to sit and wait at the river to see if the wildebeest and zebra will cross. This is after all, the Great Migration. Wildebeest and zebra hang out together and move ever closer to the Mara River. The traffic jam backs up behind them.
However, the ones in front see the grave danger of the river. Lurking in the waters, large crocodile are swimming just below the surface. You can see their tails barely sticking out above the water.
So we watch. They approach the river, peer in and run away. Walk back down to the water’s edge, and run away again. We sit and wait, batting away the occasional tsetse fly waiting for the first brave wildebeest to cross so the others will follow.
This is the one part of the trip that I wish I could have a do over on. My dad really wanted to see this river crossing….but the day we were watching it just didn’t happen. No one was hungry enough to make that brave leap into the crocodile infested waters. I wish I had booked an extra day here!
I can’t complain though. We really had a great day! We watched a bloat of hippos in the water…a couple of them got in quite a little tiff!

While sitting and waiting, I saw this handsome Agama lizard sunning on a rock.

On the way back to camp, we did see a beautiful sight. A very young zebra with his mother. Martin says he must only be a day or two old.

Lamala Mara is a beautiful camp. The people here are so wonderful. At night you can hear the lions in the distance and the hippos roaming the grasses. It’s so peaceful here.
Tomorrow we will head out and travel the long road back to the Ngorongoro Crater.