The Virus that Shall Not Be Named

It has honestly been so long since I have blogged and I am just so frustrated about it.  How did I let it go on so long?  How did I walk away from something I love doing?  Life, man….that’s life!  My father called me a couple of weeks ago and read a blog to me that I recognized as my own.  My Aunt Wilma had printed it up for him and he loved it so much he said he wanted to frame it.  That blog, Southern Comfort, was a catalyst for our epic trip and actually for how much our father-daughter relationship has improved so much in the last several years.

Life has definitely been a whirlwind for the last couple of years!  I think my last post was about my upcoming trip to Tanzania (Have Passport, Will Travel) with my dad after the death of my Aunt Ann.  Unfortunately, I never did post about that amazing trip!  That will be next on my list of things to do on this blog!  Since then, I have also traveled with my husband and my mother to Italy.  It was incredible as well!  I also got a promotion at work…we won’t talk about that because my blog is designed to NOT be about work!

However, I do want to touch on the pandemic.  I’ve decided to call it the Virus That Shall Not Be Named.  It has affected so many lives in so many negative ways.  While I don’t want to get into the specifics of work, let me just say that lately I have been feeling a little bit of a loss.  I had many “high octane” days in the battle  zone and now that things are winding down I have found it has been difficult to assimilate back into normal life.  (well not normal life….will it ever be normal again really?). Have you felt the same?  I wonder!  I think a lot of people are feeling a little lost.  We have lost our normal way of life, experienced minor inconveniences (off brand toilet paper) that in some cases have become bigger, we have lost some security whether or not in our own finances at least in the overall economic health of our community and our nation.  There is a lot of uncertainty around us.  And there are other people out there that are really suffering….loss of jobs, loss of health, loss of family….just so much loss.

So it was really helpful for me to read this article:  Relieving Worry and Frustration During a Pandemic by Dr. T. Craig Isaacs, Clinical Psychology.  I wanted to share this with all of you as well.  I think there is sound advice in there even if you aren’t a religious person.  Live in today…in the WHAT IS, not the WHAT IF.  I think it is important for us to find our purpose in all of this.  I loved the quote ” working to help another is good medicine.”  So here I am, trying to spread this good medicine to all of you, because it certainly helped me when I hit the wall this past week.

We will get through this….we will prevail.  We always do!  My job (outside of my job) will be to write….share some amazing stories that I have be delayed in sharing, finding a diversion for myself, and hopefully for you, and limiting the toxic things that are eating at our conscientious right now….media, social media, and did I say media….

Stay strong, be safe, have faith!

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